Goody (Silverstone) and Stacy (Krysten Ritter) are addicted to the night life, clubbing, hooking up and always looking for the thrill, all the while keeping a big a secret-they happen to be modern-day vampires. But
with lifetimes of dating experience behind them, the duo realizes they
still have a lot to learn about love when Stacy unexpectedly falls for
the son of a vampire hunter, and Goody runs into the man of her dreams
from decades earlier. With their destinies at stake, the girls are faced
with a difficult choice; give up their eternal youth for a chance at
love, or continue to live their uncomplicated fabulously single lives
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allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='410' id='comment-editor' name='comment-editor' src='' width='100%'/>NAO CUSTA NADA, E JA APROVEITA E COMPARTILHA TWITTER FACE E G+, O FILME CONTINUA ATIVO SEM ATUALIZAR A PAGINA, VLWS